The Weil Lab, led by Ana A. Weil, MD, MPH, is focused on understanding how the gut microbiota impacts enteric diseases. We primarily study Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera. We use molecular tools and methods, immunoassays, anaerobic microbiology, genomics, imaging, cell culture, and small intestinal enteroid models to understand interactions between gut microbes, V. cholerae, and the host.
The two primary goals of this work are: 1) understanding how gut microbes impact V. cholerae pathogenesis and clinical outcomes of disease, and 2) identifying gut microbes that modify immune responses to oral cholera vaccines.
The Weil Lab works with several US-based collaborators and the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh.
Duodenal enteroid 4 hours after infection with V. cholerae. Photo by Alaina Ritter (Weil Lab) and Kourtney Nickerson
Our Projects
Host Microbe and Vibrio cholerae interactions
Microbiome effects on immune responses to Oral Cholera Vaccine antigens
Intra- and inter- host Vibrio cholerae genetics
Gene expression of filamentous forms of Vibrio cholerae
In Vitro effects of enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis